Black Slim product made by Slim Noir Company is a product for weight loss, control and management And its effects can be reduced appetite, increase metabolism and fat burning, increase body metabolism and increase energy.
Mechanism of Action:
Potent inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase enzymes (Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesteras) Is. These enzymes inactivate intracellular secondary messengers such as CAMP. When these cellular enzymes are inhibited, the effect of intracellular messengers such as cyclic ATP is enhanced.
How to use:
- Take one capsule after breakfast.
- Eat a healthy, low-calorie breakfast.
- It is better not to eat anything except water for two hours after taking the capsule
- It is better to have a useful snack and lunch and dinner are useful and low in calories. You can also have a late night snack.
Prohibited Usage:
- Consumption for women vectors
- Consumption for women during lactation
- Consumption for kidney patients
- Consumption for patients with cardiovascular problems
- Consumption for people with high blood pressure
- Consumption for people who are allergic to caffeine